Personal Information
Born: 26-06-1979, Dresden (Germany)
h-Index: 17
_Professional Experience_
March 2019 - current:
Associate Professor for Health Infrastructure, FH Joanneum GmbH - University of Applied Science, Vienna, Austria.
field: Health Infrastructure, Personal Health and Quality of Life;
tasks: Scientific Strategy, Research and Development Coordination, Research Group Leading
January 2017 - March 2019:
Scientific Coordinator Active and Assisted Living Solutions, AIT Austrian
Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna, Austria.
field: Research field Clinical Diagnostics and Therapy Monitoring (CDTM);
tasks: Scientific Strategy, Research and Development Coordination
March 2009 - March 2019:
R & D Project Manager, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna,
field: Research / Biomedical Engineering;
tasks: Project Management and research in national and international research projects in the areas of neurology, psychophysiological measurements and signal analysis, artificial intelligence (AI), behaviour change techniques, motivational AI, embodied systems, robotics, haemodynamic system and Ambient Intelligence (middleware, services, interoperability, architecture, standards, medical device communication
January 2015 - October 2016:
R & D Project Manager and Senior Researcher, University of Geneva - Institute
of Services Science, Geneva, Switzerland.
field: Research / Robotics and Cognitive Systems;
tasks: Research in national and international research projects in the areas of cognitive systems and robotics
April 2013 - May 2014:
R & D Project Development Consultant, Instituto Pedro Nunes IPN, Coimbra,
field: Applied Research;
tasks: Identification of project opportunities related to European Commission Programmes, including participation at events and conferences: Horizon 2020, AAL, EIP-AHA, CIP, EIT-Health, Eureka etc; Business development relations, forming consortium, developing new projects; Developing partnerships between R & D organizations; Working in international, multinational teams to write, develop and submit projects; Participation in events, seminars, conferences taking place all over Europe, in order to find new cooperation
opportunities; Support and implementation of EU projects)
March 2005 - July 2012:
Ph.D. / Doctor scientiæ medicæ, Medical University of Vienna – Institute of
Biomedical Engineering and Physics , Vienna, Austria.
title: “Realtime Assessment of Vigilance based on Integrated EOG Biosignal Pattern Recognition”
keywords: Neurology research, clinical studies, neuronal networks (HMM), integrated hardware development, Matlab based pattern recognition
August 2000 - January 2005:
MSc. / Dipl.-Ing., Technical University of Dresden - Faculty of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Dresden, Germany.
title: “EOG controlled systems with body-area-network connectivity”
keywords: Integrated hardware development, Integrated DSP programming, Matlab based model development
_Affiliations to Research Projects_
current research projects:
* LETHE (A personalized prediction and intervention model for early detection and reduction of risk factors causing dementia, based on AI and distributed Machine Learning) - EU / H2020 grant agreement no 101017405 - coordinator
* Trials@Home (Centre of Excellence for Remote and Decentralised Clinical Trials) - EU / IMI H2020 grant agreement no 831458 - work package leader TECH
past research projects:
* vCare (Virtual Coaching Activities for Rehabilitation in Elderly) - EU / H2020 grant agreement no 769807 - work package leader
* Memento (A persuasive system supporting Memory and Moments of people with
Early and Middle stage of dementia) - EU / AAL JP - technical manager and work
package leader
* Acrossing (Advanced TeChnologies and PlatfoRm fOr Smarter ASsisted LivING)- EU / H2020 grant agreement no 676157 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action - workpackage leader
* Follow.Me (The Follow.Me platform aims to create an easy to use system to locate people and provide information when they leave a specific area) - EU / AAL JP - work package leader
* GrowMeUp (Social Robotics) - EU / H2020 grant agreement no 643647 - work package leader, research and development
* CogniWin (Cognitive Support for older adults at work) - EU / AAL JP - project
manager, work package leader, research and development
* Miraculous-Life (Miraculous Life for elderly independent living) - EU / FP7 - grant agreement no 611421 - technical manager, work package leader
* DOREMI (Decrease of cOgnitive decline, malnutRition and sedEntariness by elderly
empowerment in lifestyle Management and social Inclusion) - EU / FP7 grant
agreement no 611650 - work package leader
* universAAL (universal open platform and reference specification for Ambient Assisted Living) - EU / FP7 grant agreement no 247950 – project management, research and
* KlaVig (Classification of vigilance stages based on EOG and EEG pattern
recognition) – FFG / national funding – project management, research and
* CompanionAble (Integrated Cognitive Assistive & Domotic Companion Robotic
Systems for Ability & Security) – EU / FP7 grant agreement no 216487 – research
and development
* CaMeLi (Care Me for Life) – EU / AAL JP – consultant, research and development
* Co-Living (ICT-based Virtual Collaborative Social Living Community for Elderly) –
EU / AAL JP – consultant, research and development
* Bedmond (Behaviour Pattern Based Assistant for Early Detection and Management
Of Neurodegenerative Diseases) – EU / AAL JP – research and development
* BioSig (Aufbereitung von Biosignalen aus hochflexiblen Elektrodensystemen) – FFG
/ national funding – project management, research and development
* MPOWER (Middleware Platforms for Health Applications) – EU / FP6 grant
agreement no 034707 – project management, research and development
* FES Bike (FES Fahrradsystem für Paraplegiker) – FFG / national funding – project
management, research and development